Nsound  0.9.4
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
|oCAudioStreamSelectionA helper class for advance operators
|oCBufferA Buffer for storing audio samples
|oCBufferSelectionA helper class for advance operators
|oCBufferWindowSearchSearches the target Buffer for zero crossings at or after the window_size position
|oCcircular_iteratorA circulator iterator for class Buffer
|oCClarinetClass Drum
|oCDrumBD01Class DrumBD01
|oCDrumKickBassClass Drum
|oCFFTChunkResults of performing an FFT are stored in this class
|oCFFTransformA Class that performes the Fast Fouier Transfrom on a Buffer
|oCFilterBase class for IIR Filters, defines the interface
||\CKernelA class to store calculated kernels
|oCFilterCombLowPassFeedbackA class for filtering audio in the frequecy domain
|oCFilterDelayA class for filtering audio in the frequecy domain
|oCFilterFlangerA class for filtering audio in the frequecy domain
|oCFilterHighPassIIRA class for filtering audio in the frequecy domain
|oCFilterLeastSquaresFIRA FIR filter that is defined as the least square error to the desired requency response
||\CKernelA class to store calculated kernels
|oCFilterLowPassIIRA class for filtering audio in the frequecy domain
|oCFilterParametricEqualizerImplementation of Zoelzer's parametric equalizer filters, with some modifications by the author
|oCFilterPhaserA class for filtering audio in the frequecy domain
|oCFilterSlinkyBase class for IIR Filters, defines the interface
|oCFilterStageIIRA class for filtering audio in the frequecy domain
||\CKernelA class to store calculated kernels
||\CKernelA class to store calculated kernels
|oCFluteSlideClass Drum
|oCGeneratorA class the provides draw utilities and a wavetable oscillator
|oCGeneratorDecayA class tha generates decay curves
|oCGuitarBassClass Drum
|oCHatClass Hat
|oCInstrumentThe Nsound Instrument baseclass. All Nsound instruments extend this class
|oCMixerThis class enables easy scheduling and mixing of multiple AudioStreams
|oCMixerNodeThis class holds the nodes for use with the Mixer class
|oCOrganPipeClass OrganPipe
|oCAxesA wrapper around a Matplotlib Axes object
|oCPluckImplements a simple Karplus-Strong String Synthesis algorithim
|oCPulseA Pulse Generator
|oCRandomNumberGeneratorBase class for random number generators
|oCSpectrogramThe result from an STFT
|oCSquareSquare generator
|oCTriangleTriangle generator
|oCWavefileVery simple Wavefile reading class